Triple nexus e-learning course


At a digital event on 21 August 2024, we presented a new e-learning course for WASH practitioners to the public together with IRC WASH. The interactive, multimedia course ‘Building WASH resilience, conflict sensitivity and peace’, which is offered free of charge on the WASH Systems Academy platform, shows how humanitarian, development and peace actors can strengthen the resilience of WASH services in crises. With the online training, we want to promote a common understanding of the Triple Nexus approach and a standardised language in the WASH sector.

The eLearning Course is a contribution to the Triple Nexus in WASH Initiative of the WASH Road Map, developed under the leadership of the German WASH Network together with IRCWASH and the German Toilet Organization, kindly supported by Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany.

In order to participate in the course, registration in the WASH Systems Academy is required.